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2024 Star City Pride Events Scholarship

Apply for the inaugural Star City Pride Events Scholarship! Deadline to apply is Friday, April 19th at 11:59 PM (CST). If you have any additional questions not listed in the FAQ below, please email


Q: Do I have to be a traditional student to apply?

A: Nope! Any student including high school seniors and non-traditional students can apply. We want to make this scholarship available to any LGBTQIA2S+ person who is pursuing their education.

Q: Does the scholarship require a minimum GPA?

A: Nope! We know that school can be tough and life circumstances can make it difficult to maintain a perfect GPA. At Star City Pride, we want to make this scholarship as accessible as possible.

Q: Does my school qualify for this scholarship?

A: We are choosing an applicant who attends a college, university, or trade school in Nebraska. You can find a list of schools here.

Q: What can I use as my proof of acceptance and enrollment in the institution I am attending in the fall?

A: You can use an acceptance letter. If you have taken classes there already you can use an unofficial transcript. You could also use a student ID from that institution. If none of these options work for you, contact your institution to get access to a document that can work. 

Q: Is the scholarship renewable?

A: This scholarship is a one-time scholarship. If we have other scholarships in the future, the winner of this scholarship can reapply. 

Q: What can this scholarship be used for?

A: This scholarship can be used for anything education-related including tuition, housing, books, study abroad, etc. 

Q: When will I know the results? 

A: Star City Pride will email the results to applicants by May 10th.

Q: I have a question that is not answered above!

A: Please email intern@starcityprideevents and we'd be happy to help!

Our Impact This Year

  • 2022 Attendance


  • Vendors & Sponsors


  • Parade Attendance

    Approx 3000

Thank you to our generous sponsors:

  • Placeholder Logo
  • Placeholder Logo
  • Placeholder Logo
  • Ameritas
  • Tobacco Free Lancaster County
    Tobacco Free Lancaster County
  • Public Health
    Public Health
  • Wells Fargo
    Wells Fargo
  • UNL